In February 2023, a performance of vibrant originality, titled “The Frappa’ Dingues,” captivated audiences with the combined talents of students from the community conservatories of Breuillet, Arpajon, and Saint-Germain-lès-Arpajon. This exceptional show featured the participation of 40 students specialized in drums and percussion, under the expert guidance of Pascal Mathelon and Sebastien Poitevin, distinguished drummers of the Compagnie Poum tchaC. This musical adventure, rich in emotions and colors, demonstrated the unifying power of music and percussion.
Are you considering organizing this show at your music school or conservatory? Our expertise also extends to educational institutions, including primary schools, middle schools, and high schools. For any project or to obtain more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. An unforgettable experience awaits your students!