Paroles – Eric Clapton – Tangled In Love

Les paroles de Tangled in Love par Eric Clapton sont ci-dessous. Écrit par Marcy Levy et Richard Feldman, la chanson Tangled In Love est extraite du neuvième album studio solo Behind The Sun d’Eric Clapton. Vous pouvez cliquer ici pour consulter toutes les partitions disponibles: Toutes les partitions de Eric Clapton

A modern man with an old-fashioned heart.
One look at her and I fell apart.
I was always the one playing it cool.
I got caught in the act, now there’s no turning back.

[Chorus:] I got tangled in love, tangled in love.
I got tangled in love, tangled in love.
I got caught up, bought up, strangled, tangled in love.
I got tangled in love, tangled in love.

A long black dress and the call of the wild.
I was a fool to think she was just a child.
Out of my mind, out of control.
Knew that feeling too well, tried to run but I fell.


I never meant to feel this way,
Now I always want to stay…


I got tangled in love, tangled in love.
I got tangled in love, tangled in love.
I got tangled in love, tangled in love.
I got tangled in love, tangled in love.

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