Paroles – Robben Ford – Different People

Voici les paroles de Different People par Robben Ford. La chanson Different People de Robben Ford est tirée de son album A Day In Nashville sorti en 2014. Sur le site, vous pouvez aussi trouver Different People par Robben Ford tablature de guitare. Sur le site, vous pouvez aussi trouver la Partition batterie – Robben Ford – Indianola.

We took a train from Surrey to Soho
To be where we would be our only plan
With cigarettes and coffee we waited out the rain
Always touching, always hand in hand

[Chorus:] And now you’re telling me that we’re just different people
We weren’t so different then
And our love would never end
Do you really think that we’re such different people
Or did you just forget how to love me
Just little things would bring us together
So nothing’s free, it can be so worth while
To hold on to something precious
Something time cannot command
Something held between two lovers
Between a woman and a man

[Chorus] Different now we may well be
‘Cause I knew you by your love for me


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